Play Rock-paper-scissors with Slack and PutsReq

Inspired by Say Hello World to Wombat using PutsReq , this post will give you a step by step tutorial to create a dead simple Slack Outgoing webhook.

Outgoing webhooks allows you to get data in and out of Slack in real time when someone sends a message to a specific channel or with a trigger word.

Fork Rock-paper-scissors webhook

First, let’s fork the Rock-paper-scissors webhook on PutsReq.

UPDATE: The link above is no longer available, PutsReq auto expires buckets without recent activity. Note to self: Use a gist next time.

PutsReq Fork

Copy PutsReq URL

Add Rock-paper-scissors Outgoing webhook

Slack Outgoing WebHooks

Slack Integration Settings

Play it

All set, now it’s time to test it:

Slack Rock-paper-scissors


Now that your Rock-paper-scissors is working, why not expand it to the Rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock version? If you do that, please share! :)